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मानक और ई-Pramaan के लिए विनिर्देश:ई-प्रमाणन के लिए फ्रेमवर्क

Standards and Specifications for e-Pramaan: Framework for e-Authentication

Posted on 12 Sep 2014 by webmaster

Standards and Specifications for e-Pramaan: Framework for e-Authentication[PDF]1.11 MB

This document describes broad level specifications for developing the e-Pramaan authentication system. This will enable the reader to understand the rationale, use cases and process flows that will be used for detailed design. It also elucidates the standards that will be used to develop the components, APIs as well as the protocols for the framework. Particulars of the communication protocols between the entities and implementation are NOT a part of this document.

Last Date of feedback 13th October 2014

Feedback needs to be sent egov[dot]standards[at]nic[dot]in