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विश्व बैंक सहायता प्राप्त परियोजनायें

The Government of India received a loan from the World Bank towards programme management and financial support for the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), for an amount of US$ 150 million (about Rs 700 crore)The loan is referred to as “India: e-Delivery of Public Services Development Policy Loan” and is envisaged to support NeGP’s countrywide plans of increasing online services for citizens in their locality, to improve the quality of basic governance in areas of concern to the common man.

Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) has issued detailed guidelines to support Other Ministries/Departments as well as States/UTs in formulation, development and funding of suitable project proposals. These guidelines provide a comprehensive framework including a detailed Project Report Template for submission of proposals based on indicative policy areas which are as below:

Policy Reform Areas:
1. Policy for Institutional Strengthening of State Governments.
2. Policy for Public Private Partnerships to improve service delivery.
3. Policy on use of Open Standards to ensure interoperability and avoid vendor lock in.
4. Policy for Inter-agency Coordination and Monitoring & Evaluation.
5. Policies for access to citizen services through Mobile platform and increasing the pace of broadband penetration.
6. Policy for mandating increased participation of users.
7. Policy on service orientation for Government Processes and Officials.
8. Electronic Service Delivery Act.
9. Policy on uniform and predictable verification of e service users.

Indicative Targets:
1. Strengthening States Institutions
2. Development of technical standards for e-Governance
3. Improved inter-agency coordination and monitoring of e-governance
4. Improving access to services by using the mobile platform while increasing the pace of internet penetration -
5. Facilitating increased participation of users in design and evaluation of e-governance projects
6. Improving service orientation of government processes and officials
7. E-Services Delivery Act (ESD Act)
8. Uniform and predictable verification of e-service users



Preferred areas of possible intervention: Following are the areas for the State/UTs and Central Ministry/Department to prefer proposals to DietY

Preferred areas of possible intervention
Policy People Technology Platforms
National IT Policy Implementation Support: E-Literacy: Pilot projects on different models for e- Literacy; Mandatory Delivery and Affordable Access: Urban CSCs – project preparation and implementation support; ICT for Education, Health, Rural Development, RD and Financial Services (pilots) Capacity Building including training programmes to enhance the capacity of government officials at all levels Language and Localization
Model ESD Rules including guidelines for implementation of ESD Rules in states Empowerment of grass root level functionaries Cloud – IaaS, PaaS, SaaS including implementation of projects on rapid replication basis
Recognition as CSCs Knowledge Management GIS including pilots on use of GIS platforms in e-gov applications
Mobile Enablement HRMS at Center/States Web Portal Services including improvement and certification of government web sites

The programme has gained considerable momentum. DeitY has received several project proposals relating to varied areas/sectors ranging from Health, Education, GIS, Mobile Enablement, Cloud etc.

Proposals received by DeitY pass through a comprehensive process of appraisal – both technical as well as financial. For reviewing, examining and evaluating proposals, DeitY has constituted a Working Group under the Chairmanship of Additional Secretary (e-Governance) with following composition:
A. Additional Secretary (e-Governance), DeitY-Chairperson.
B. CEO and President, National e-Governance Division.
C. Joint Secretary (e-Governance), DeitY.
D. Joint Secretary of the concerned line Ministry/ Department, GoI.
E. Secretary of the line Department of state/UT dealing with the subject
F. Representative of Director General, NIC
G. Director, National e-Governance Division
H. Director (e-Governance), DeitY-Member Secretary


Project Development Fund (PDF): To provide assistance for project formulation and development to Ministries/Departments of Government of India and to States/UTs , a corpus fund titled ‘Project Development Fund (PDF) with an initial contribution of Rs. 20 crore has also been set up by DeitY to cover under noted initiatives:

  • Initiatives associated with New Mission Mode Projects (MMPs).
  • Initiatives associated with areas other than the existing MMPs.
  • Pilot or prototype projects for e-governance.
  • Other innovative projects

PDF will be available for carrying out following activities:

  • Consultation Fees for technical and financial feasibility studies.
  • Preparation of DPR for new projects.
  • Out of Pocket Expenses for requirement gathering such as undertaking workshops, field visits, etc
  • Any other assistance needed for the purpose of developing projects.