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वित्तीय प्रबंधन-समूह-VI

Note: Please repeat the table below in case your Group is having more than one document.
Document Title Demand for Grants (Annexure-V)
Effective Date of the Document 1st April of financial year
Document Definition Demand for Grants
Detailed Guidelines for the Document Budget approved by Parliament
Category of the document Un-classified


Note: Please repeat the table below in case your Group is having more than one document.
Document Title Performance Budget (Annexure-V)
Effective Date of the Document Ist April of financial year
Document Definition Performance Budget
Detailed Guidelines for the Document Approved by Secretary
Category of the document Un-classified


Note: Please repeat the table below in case your Group is having more than one document.
Document Title Accounts at a Glance (Annexure-V)
Effective Date of the Document  
Document Definition  
Detailed Guidelines for the Document  
Category of the document Un-classified