The e-District MMP is an e-Governance project of significant national importance, in so far as it seeks to provide a wide range of G2C services to the citizens, leveraging the IT Infrastructure already created under NeGP.
It is planned to implement the e-District Project in all the States simultaneously to take the country to the next level of e-Governance. Acknowledging that the State/UTs are at different levels of preparedness and require a flexible approach to enable faster implementation of the project, DeitY has prepared the following guidelines
- Integrated Framework for Delivery of Services for the e-District Project.
- e-District MMP – Implementation Guidelines, 2012.
In line with the above, DeitY has also drafted a Model RFP for Selection of System Integrator (SI) for state-wide rollout of the e-District MMP. This will help the States/UTs in incorporating the State/UT specific strategy of implementing the e-District MMP. The Model SI RFP comprises of 3 volumes as mentioned below:
- Volume 1: Instructions to Bidders
847.5 KB
- Volume 2: Scope of Work
1.66 MB
- Volume 3: Standard Contracting Templates
941.52 KB
The Model SI RFP provides guidance to the States / UTs on the key aspects of Strategy for Development of e-District Application and Bundling / unbundling of the Scope of Work for the SI.
This Model RFP is advisory in nature and aims to assist the State Government for selection of the e-District System Integrator in the States following standard terms and conditions.
However, the States / UTs along with SPMU are responsible for carrying out the due diligence to finalize the scope of work envisaged in this RFP.