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E-Commerce & Cyber-Laws-Group-II

No Name & Designation of officer/&employee Duties/responsibilities assigned Reporting to Assisted by Remarks
1. -- Treaties relating to Cyber-crime and digital signature GC(AKC) Sci.F, Sci E and S.O. -
2. -- Public Policies aspects relating to Internet Governance. Creating awareness related to Cyber-Laws CERT-IN Coordination: Setting up and operating of CERT- IN Relating R&D Matters HoD S.O Nil
3. Ms.Harshprabha
Formulation of Cyber Laws Enforcementof Cyber Laws: Cyber-laws monitoring of Infringements, Prosecutions andAdjudication; Investigation of Cyber Crimes Creating awareness related to Cyber-Laws Advising other Ministries/Depart-ments in r/o Cyber-Laws HoD S.O Nil
4. Shri Shyam Lal,
S.O(for IRSD &
Examining/ Processing/ submission of various DaK/ receipts/Files/Cases in the Division. Duties and responsibilities as per Manual of Office Procedure (MoP) HoD -