- Advisory dated 6th June.,2016 for Matrimonial Websites under section 79 of the IT Act, 2000
- Notification No. GSR 520(E) dated 2.05.16 Powers and Functions of Chairperson, CyAT.
- Notification No.G.S.R 446(E) dated 27.4.16 regarding Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure Rules, 2016.
- Notification No. S.O.1581(E) dated 26.4.16 regarding Authorisation of CERT-In to monitor and collect traffic data or information in any computer resources u/s 69B
- Notification No.993(E) dated 11.12.2015 regarding declaration of UIDAI-CIDR critical information under section 70A of IT Act.
- Information Technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Interception, Monitoring and Decryption of Information) Rules, 2009
- Information Technology ( Procedure and safeguards for blocking for access of information by public) Rules, 2009
- The Digital Signature (End entity) Rules, 2015
- The Electronic Signature or Electronic Authentication Technique and Procedure (Amendment) Rules, 2015
104.54 KB
- The Cyber Appellate Tribunal (Procedure for Investigation of Misbehaviour or Incapacity of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2009
993.83 KB
- The Cyber Appellate Tribunal (Salary, Allowances and Other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members) Rules, 2009
946.37 KB
- The Department of lnfonnatlon Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Controller of Certifying Authorities, Gazetted and Non-Gazetted posts Recruitment, Rules 2009
14.45 MB
- The Information Technology (Security Procedure) Rules, 2004
1.07 MB
- The Information Technology (Other Powers of Civil Court vested in cyber appellate tribunal) Rules, 2003
60.27 KB
- the Information Technology (Qualification and Experience of Adjudicating Officers and Manner of Holding Enquiry) Rules, 2003
86.6 KB
- Information Technology (Certifying Authorities) Rules, 2000
226.16 KB
- G.S.R 20 (E) dated 16.01.2014-Information Technology(The Indian Computer emergency response team and manner of performing function and duties ) Rules,2013
1.82 MB
- G.S.R 19 (E) dated 16.01.2014-Information Technology (National critical Information Infrastructure Protection centre and manner of performing function and duties) Rules, 2013
1.84 MB
- S.O. 18(E) dated 16.1.2014 -Information Technology(Notification for Designation of national nodal agency in respect of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection)
889.98 KB
- Clarification on The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules, 2011
45.8 KB
- GSR 50(E) Dated 24 January 2013: Cyber Appellate Tribunal(Salary, Allowances and Other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and Members) Amendment Rules,2012
678.88 KB
- GSR 51(E) Dated 24 January 2013: Information Technology(Salary, Allowances and Terms and Conditions of Service of the Director General, Indian Computer Emergency Response Team) Rules,2012
348.93 KB
- Advisory to State/UT Govt.on implementation of Section 66A of the IT Act,2000.
386.68 KB
- G.S.R 827(E) dated 16.11.2012-Cyber Regulations Advisory
469.22 KB
- G.S.R.153(E) Dated 16 march 2012 -Process of registration of cyber cafe to be followed by registration agency.
136.79 KB
- GS.R. 782(E) and G.S.R. 783(E) dated 25.10.2011 - Information Technology (Certifying Authorities) Amendment Rules, 2011
117.72 KB
- GSR 316(E) Dated 11 April 2011: Information Technology (Electronic Service Delivery) Rules,
75.65 KB
- GSR 313(E) Dated 11 April 2011: Information Technology (Resonable Security Practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011
146.12 KB
- GSR 314(E) Dated 11 April 2011: Information Technology (Intermediaries guidelines) Rules, 2011
49.3 KB
- GSR 315(E) Dated 11 April 2011: Information Technology (Guidelines for Cyber Cafe) Rules, 2011
45.63 KB
- Enforcement of IT (Amendment) Act 2008 This pdf file is non accessible through use of Assistive Technologies (i.e.screen-readers). For user information Document title is "The Gazette of India Part II" Dated October 27,2009. For More information contact DIT webmaster.
498.05 KB
- Notification of Rules under Section 52, 54, 69, 69A, 69B.This pdf file is non accessible through use of Assistive Technologies (i.e.screen-readers). For user information Document title is "The Gazette of India Part II" Dated October 27,2009. For More information contact DIT webmaster.
12.77 MB
- S.O 117(E)dated 20.1.2010 --Notification for Designated Officer under section 69A and Rule 3 of Information Technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking for Access of Information by Public Rules, 2009
12.77 MB
- G.S.R. 410(E) dated 17.5.2010 - Notification for rescinding of earlier notifications G.S.R. 181(E) and G.S.R. 529(E)
89.35 KB
- G.S.R. 630(E) dated 26.7.2010 - Notification for declaring TETRA Secured Communication System Network of Govt. of NCT of Delhi as Protected System under section 70 of the IT Act, 2000
125.14 KB
- Information Technology(Certifying Authorities) Amendment Rules, 2009
58.88 KB
- Gazette Notification G.S.R. 535(E) under Section 87 pertaining to amendment in Rule 16 of the Information Technology (Certifying Authorities) Rules 2000.
- Gazette Notification G.S.R. 582(E) under Section 87 pertaining to rule under Section 87(2) (b) & (c) of the Information Technology Act, 2000.
- Notification G.S.R 799 (E) pertaining to amendment in the Notification No. G.S.R 220 (E)
- Notification No. 245(E) dated 21.04.2005 under Section 87 of the Information Technology Act, 2000 pertaining to additions in the G.S.R.902(E) dated 21.11.2003 under IT Act, 2000
- Notification No. 735(E) dated 29.10.2004 regarding Security Procedure for the purpose of creating Secure Electronic Record and Secure Digital Signature under Section 87(2)(e).
- Notification G.S.R 285 (E) amendments in the IT Certifying Authority Rules notified vide Notification No. G.S.R.789(E) dated 17.10.2000.
- Different Opinion on the procedure to be followed for electronic filing of records under Section 87 (2) (b) and 87 (2) (c)
- Notification G.S.R 901 (E) under Section 87 (2) (s) pertaining to the Cyber Regulation Appellate Tribunel ( Procedure for investigation of misbehavior or incapacity of Presiding Officer) Rules, 2003
- Notification G.S.R 902 (E) under Section 87 pertaining to the Information Technology (Certifying Authorities) ( Amandment ) Rules, 2003
- Notification G.S.R 903 (E) pertaining to the Information Technology ( other powers of Civil Court vested in Cyber Appellate Tribunal Rules, 2003
- Notification G.S.R 904 (E) pertaining to the Information Technology (Other Standards) Rules, 2003
- Notification no. S. O.1015(E) dated 19.9.2002 regarding Information Technology (Removal of Difficulties) Order, 2002
- Notification no. G.S.R.717(E) dated 22.10.2002 regarding Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal ( Salaries, allowances and other condition of service of other Officers and Employees) Rules, 2002
- Notification no. G.S.R.181(E) dated 27.2.2003 regarding establishment of Computer Emergency Response-in India (CERT-In) and the procedure for blocking of websites
- Notification no. G.S.R.220(E) dated 17.3.2003 regarding Information Technology (Qualification and Experience of Adjudicating Officers & Manner of Holding Enquiry) Rules 2003
- Proforma for Complaint to adjudicating officer under IT Act-2000
80.7 KB
- Notification no. G.S.R.221(E) dated 17.3.2003 regarding Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal (Salary, Allowances and other terms and conditions of Service of Presiding Officer) Rules 2003
- Notification no. G.S.R.240(E) dated 25.3.2003 regarding appointment of Secretary of the Department of Information Technology of each of the States or Union Territories as Adjudicating Officer